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Smart Farming: Opportunities and challenges of AI in agriculture

October 26, 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help tackle challenges, improve decision making and increase efficiency of various...

The 6 Steps to Automate Data Collection using Web-Scraping  

August 11, 2022
Praelexis runs an exciting internship program. Twice a year (June/July and Dec/Jan) we are joined by bright young minds...

6 Benefits of Value Stream Mapping in a Data Science Company

July 20, 2022
Praelexis runs an exciting internship program. Twice a year (June/July and Dec/Jan) we are joined by bright young minds...

9 reasons your technical (Python) documentation sucks

June 14, 2022
This article was originally presented as a “brown bag talk”, an internal series of talks where Praelexis employees meet...

Uplift Modeling: Using machine learning to improve marketing strategies

April 29, 2022
One of the key goals of a business’s marketing campaign is to maximise the number of products sold to customers, while...

Interning at Praelexis

April 12, 2022
Praelexis runs an exciting internship program. Twice a year (June/July and Dec/Jan) we are joined by bright young minds...