Praelexis visits Stellenbosch University: Notes and Insights

Praelexis visits Stellenbosch University
  • August 16, 2024

On the 14th of August 2024 Lizette de Wet, a seasoned professional with eight years at Praelexis, shared her insights with the Operations Research Honour’s Students from Stellenbosch University. Ryno Kleinhans, one of our data scientists, joined her. Lizette delved into the heart of Praelexis’ mission: Crafting Responsible AI for a Sustainable Future, while Ryno shared some of the exciting projects that he has worked on.

What’s in a name?

“Praelexis” is derived from the Latin “prae-” and “-lexis”. “Prae-”, similar to the English “pre-”, refers to that which comes before something else. The suffix “-lexis” relates to the concept of a “lexicon”. It refers to words. Literally translated “Praelexis” means “foreword”. We strive to predict the future before it unfolds. To say the first word about the future. Ultimately our expertise lies in asking “what if” questions.

As such, Praelexis partners with clients to utilise their data to give them a competitive edge. We create industry-leading machine-learning solutions.

Whats in a name

Purpose-Driven Work

“At Praelexis employees wake up with a purpose: to create Responsible AI solutions that drive positive change,” Lizette explained. Distributed leadership, collaborative learning, and creative craftsmanship define our approach. This means making ethical decisions, “even if it means walking away from large deals.”

Praelexis Values

Collaborative Structure and Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing is our superpower. Learning from each other forms a large part of what makes us a Teal Organisation. Rather than focusing on hierarchy we focus on collaboration and moving forward together.

Praelexis StructureAre you considering an internship in data science (at Praelexis)?

In this talk, Lizette also touched on who the ideal candidate for an internship at Praelexis is, what such an internship entails and how to apply. If you are interested in applying or want to learn more about these internships, please email

Praelexis Ideal Internship Cadidate

Case Studies and Questions

Lizette wrapped up by discussing intriguing case studies (including Ryno’s discussion) and inviting questions. Praelexis’ commitment to Responsible AI, shines through our work, and the impact can be seen across industries. Do not hesitate to book a meeting if you are interested in learning more about our internships or solutions.

Praelexis Mission


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