Meet Giaan: Reflections on Data Science and a Praelexis Internship

Giaan Internship Interview
  • July 17, 2024

Praelexis interviews Giaan Julius

At Praelexis we offer internships. This year Giaan joined us as an intern. He is passionate about learning new skills in data science or fixing cars! Praelexis interviewed him about his data science journey. 

If you’re interested in joining us for an internship, please email with the subject line “Internship.” Be sure to include your CV, transcript, and a motivational letter. For more information, you can read about it here or get in touch with us directly.

Data Science Journey

Question: How did you first become interested in data science? Was there a specific moment or experience that sparked your curiosity?

Answer: In 2018, I had my first mentor, who held a PhD in data science. Our conversations revolved around my passion for mathematics and potential career paths. As we discussed my aspirations—to solve problems and be creative—I always aimed for the best. My mentor shared insights from her own career journey, highlighting how she effectively solved complex problems using data and algorithms. It was during these discussions that my interest in data science ignited. My academic background includes an undergraduate degree in Mathematical and Statistical science, with two years of Computer Science. Followed by an honours degree in Mathematical science. Currently, I’m enrolled in a data science course.

Favorite Algorithm

Question: Do you have a favourite machine-learning algorithm? What draws you to it, and how have you applied it in your work?

Answer: My favourite algorithm is the Random Forest. This model is exceptionally versatile, addressing both classification and regression problems. What sets it apart is its ability to handle complex tasks effectively. Whether you’re dealing with classification or regression, the Random Forest is a powerful choice.

Favourite Algorithm Random Forest

Data Science Playlist

Question: Imagine creating a playlist for your data science journey. Which songs or music genres would you include? Are there any tunes that inspire your analytical thinking?

Answer: My playlist consists of worship music and gospel tunes. I often tune in to the ‘Jesus Image’ channel. Additionally, I enjoy exploring the success stories of business leaders. Among my favourites is Dr Sooliman, the founder of ‘Gift of the Givers.’ Listening to inspirational content, including Bible audio, helps keep me calm.

Unexpected Sources about Data Science

Question: Have you ever stumbled upon an unusual or unexpected source about data science that turned out to be valuable? 

Answer: LinkedIn hosts several AI and Data Science communities where members discuss AI concepts, subcategories, and model selection. These groups often break down data science visually, using diagrams or artistic representations. I often enjoy these visual representations of the field.

Data Science Book Recommendation

Question: If you were to recommend a book to aspiring data scientists, which one would it be? Why does it resonate with you, and what valuable insights did you gain from it?

Answer: The book The Data Science Design Manual by Steven S. Skiena is a valuable resource we currently use at university. It serves as an excellent starting point for anyone interested in data science. The book covers essential topics such as exploratory data analysis, and other concepts relevant to data science. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates mathematics and statistics with computer science concepts.

Data Science Book Recommendation

Future Dreams

Question: What are your aspirations for the future? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Answer: I want to start doing research in the data science field and delve into programming robots for trading, particularly in the context of forex trading. My goal is to pursue research in both of these directions. Hopefully, I’ll earn my PhD in data science and become proficient in the field. Looking ahead five years, I envision myself as a highly skilled data scientist with substantial research accomplishments.

Outside of the Office

Question: What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of the data science field?

Answer: I just try to be a handy person. My hobbies include working on cars, doing some spray painting, and even building cabinets. I’m always eager to learn new skills and be resourceful. However, my biggest passion lies in working on cars. Occasionally, I also hit the gym.

Experience at Praelexis

Question: What has your experience been at Praelexis thus far? 

Answer: Honestly, my experience at Praelexis has been nothing short of a dream. The work environment is incredibly healthy, supportive, and conducive to learning. The collaborative organisational structure fosters a sense of freedom—I never feel micromanaged. My learning isn’t narrowly focused; rather, I gain valuable insights from a variety of projects.

Experience at Praelexis Culture

If you’re interested in joining us for an internship, please email with the subject line “Internship.” Be sure to include your CV, transcript, and a motivational letter. For more information, you can read about it here or get in touch with us directly.

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